Welcome to the Section Industrial Organization

VWL1-Tutoren gesucht

Wir suchen 14 Tutoren für VWL1 (Mikroökonomik) für das Wintersemester 2024/25. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 10. Juli 2024. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

PhD-position in Applied Microeconomics: Experimental Economics and/or Industrial Organization

We seek to fill a position in Applied Microeconomics, e.g., with focus on (theory-guided) Experimental Economics and/or Industrial Organization. The application deadline is April 05, 2020. If you are interested, please click the job description here.

KIT-ZEW Associate Professorship in Experimental Econonomics for Market Design

KIT and ZEW create the new position of an Associate Professor (W2) in Experimental Economics for Market Design. The job ad is available here. Submission deadline: December 15, 2019.

Auctions: Bidding against boundedly rational competitors

The International Journal of Game Theory recently published the paper "Heterogeneous bids in auctions with rational and boundedly rational bidders: theory and experiment" by Oliver Kirchkamp and J. Philipp Reiss.

HeiKaMaX-Workshop Fall 2019

The 16th HeiKaMaX Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics takes place in Mannheim on November 29, 2019. If you would like to present your work, please email your paper/abstract by November 11, to philipp.reiss@kit.edu. Please email as well if you need more information.

Seminar course in Winter term 2019/20

Register for the seminar course "Topics in Experimental Economics" offered in the winter term 2019/20. Registration takes places via https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/ by July 05, 2019, 23:55. A list of topics and the schedule is available at the registration site.

Student assistants (Hiwis) needed

We are looking for 2 to 3 student assistants (Hiwis) with about 20 working hours a month. Further information can be found here.

HeiKaMaX-Workshop Spring 2019

The 15th HeiKaMaX Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics takes place in Heidelberg on April 10, 2019. Click here for the final program. If you need more information, please email philipp.reiss@kit.edu

Auction design: Mitigating the Winner’s Curse

On February 13, 2017, Professor Reiss gave the talk "Could We Overcome the Winner’s Curse by (Behavioral) Auction Design?" at the occasion of the ZEW-Workshop in Mannheim. The program can be found here

Auction Prices in Hybrid Markets

On March 10, 2016, Professor Reiss gave the talk "The Law of One Price in Auctions with Outside Competition" at the occasion of the 6th Berlin IO Day hosted by ESMT. Link to event.

HeiKaMaX-Workshop Spring 2015

The 8th HeiKaMaX Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics took place in Karlsruhe on April 24, 2015. The program can be found here.

Verhandeln Sie noch oder spielen Sie schon?

Professor Reiss moderiert den 2. BME Innovationstag des Bundesverbands Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. zu Spieltheorie in der Einkaufspraxis. Hier ist das Progamm.