Doctoral Research Seminar
Presentations given in the joint Doctoral Research Seminar of the ECON-sections Brumm, Ott, Puppe, Reiss, Schienle, Szech and Wigger and the IBU-section Nieken.
Please click here to for the presentations planned for the current semester. (Since Summer 2017 organized at Section "Economic Policy" by Johannes Riechardt). Please find the program of all preceding semesters, organized by Markus Fels, below. (Status: May 04, 2017)
Presentation | Speaker | Date |
First Movers in a Threshold Public Goods Game | André Haas (LS Nieken) |
16.11.2016 |
Intermodal competition between intercity bus and train - an empirical analysis | Cornelia Gremm (LS Mitusch) |
30.11.2016 |
Are Political Targets of Renewable-Energy-Support Auctions Irreconcilable? Distinction, Conflicts and Instruments | Jan Kreiß (Gruppe Ehrhart) |
07.12.2016 |
Overbidding in Teleshopping Auctions - Evidence from the German Auctions | Fabian Ocker (Gruppe Ehrhart) |
18.01.2016 |
Presentation | Speaker | Date |
Collective Deliberation Under Non-common Prior: Theory and Experimentation | Addison Pan (LS Puppe) |
11.05.2016 |
Euro area sovereign credit markets: Monetary stimulations, regulation or economic fundamentals. What matters? | Rebekka Gätjen (LS Schienle) |
25.05.2016 |
Slow and steady wins the race: approximating Nash equilibria in nonlinear quadratic tracking games | Ivan Savin (LS Ott) |
08.06.2016 |
Robust Strategy-Proofness | Michael Müller (LS Puppe) |
22.06.2016 |
Spatial patterns of corporate R&D activities and their connection to urbanity – A distance-based approach | Andrea Hammer-Langrock (LS Ott) |
13.07.2016 |
Presentation | Speaker | Date |
Evolution of the electricity market in Germany: Identifying policy implications by an agent-based model | Ivan Savin (LS Ott) |
18.11.2015 |
An economic analysis of the German secondary balancing power market | Fabian Ocker (Gruppe Ehrhart) |
25.11.2015 |
Revenue and efficiency in the German secondary balancing power auction - a theoretical analysis | Matej Belica (Gruppe Ehrhart) |
16.12.2015 |
When the affordable has no value, and the valuable is unaffordable: The U.S. market for long-term care insurance and the role of Medicaid | Markus Fels (LS Reiss) |
13.01.2016 |
Pervasive enough?: The emergence of General Purpose Technologies | Vladimir Korzinov (LS Ott) |
20.01.2016 |
First movers in a threshold public goods game | Andre Haas (LS Nieken) |
27.01.2016 |
Ethical consumption and conscience accounting | Jannis Engel (LS Szech) |
03.02.2016 |
Testing for tail asymmetry in financial time series | Carsten Bormann (LS Schienle) |
10.02.2016 |
Presentation | Speaker | Date |
Die Kosten des Rauchens und die Bemessung der Tabaksteuer in Deutschland | Florian Steidl (LS Wigger) |
22.04.2015 |
Ethical dimensions of production and consumers‘ willingness to pay | Jannis Engel (LS Szech) |
29.04.2015 |
Expectation-based Loss Aversion and Strategic Interaction | Simon Dato (University of Bonn) |
06.05.2015 |
Success rates in simplified threshold public goods games | Christian Feige (Group Ehrhart) |
13.05.2015 |
Mental Accounting, Access Motives, and Overinsurance | Markus Fels (LS Reiss) |
20.05.2015 |
Measuring Connectedness of Euro Area Sovereign Risk | Rebekka Gätjen (LS Schienle) |
27.05.2015 |
Determination of Vector Error Correction Model when the Dimension is higher | Chong Liang (LS Schienle) |
17.06.2015 |
Schumpeterian Growth with Technological Interdependence - An Application to US States | Tim Deeken (LS Ott) |
24.06.2015 |
Mean versus Median-Based Voting on the Allocation of Public Goods | Jana Rollmann (LS Puppe) |
01.07.2015 |
Presentation | Speaker | Date |
Investigating the Robustness of the Results in Ertur and Koch (2007) | Tim Deeken (LS Ott) |
04.02.2015 |
The appearance of homo rivalis: Social preferences and the nature of rent seeking | Henrik Orzen (University of Manneim) |
21.01.2015 |
What's the work of a woman worth? | Leonie Fütterer (LS Szech) |
10.12.2014 |
Overcoming Lock-In in a Critical-Mass Game: The Role of Observability and Farsightedness |
Aidas Masiliunas (LS Reiss/Maastricht University) |
22.10.2014 |
Presentation | Speaker | Date |
Judgment Aggregation |
Tobias Dittrich (LS Puppe) |
02.07.2014 |
Limited Attention and the Demand for Health Insurance |
Markus Fels (LS Reiss) |
28.05.2014 |
Last-Call Auctions |
Marie-Christin Haufe (Gruppe Ehrhart) |
21.05.2014 |
Big Data in Research & Development – Potentials and Requirements in the Automotive Industry |
Leonie Fütterer (LS Szech) |
16.07.2014 |
Creativity: definitions and measuring methods |
Jannis Engel (LS Szech) |
11.06.2014 |
Job Rotation, Incentive Design, and Inter-Employee Dependencies |
Jan-Oliver Strych (Institut FBV) |
18.06.2014 |
Fractal Double-Boom Cycles and General Purpose Technologies |
Florian Kreuchauff (LS Ott) |
09.07.2014 |
Voting and transfer payments in a threshold public goods game |
Christian Feige (Gruppe Ehrhart) |
14.05.2014 |