Prof. Dr. J. Philipp Reiss
- Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Industrieökonomik
- Sprechstunden: Dienstag 13-14 Uhr, nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
- Raum: 107.1 (Gebäude 09.21)
- Tel.: +49 (0)721 608-41681
- philipp reiss ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Lehrstuhl für Industrieökonomik
Gebäude 09.21 (Blücherstrasse 17)
76185 Karlsruhe
- Incentive effects of funding contracts: an experiment, Experimental Econonomics, forthcoming (mit Irenaeus Wolff).
- Vacuous Information Affects Bargaining, Group Decision and Negotiation, forthcoming (mit Christian Korth).
Measuring the distribution of spitefulness, PLoS ONE, 7(8), e41812, 2012 (mit Erik O. Kimbrough).
Out-of-equilibrium bids in auctions - Wrong expectations or wrong bids?, Economic Journal, 121(557), 1361-1397, 2011 (mit Oliver Kirchkamp).
First price equilibrium and revenue equivalence in a sequential procurement auction model, Economic Theory, 43(1), 99-141, 2010 (mit Jens Robert Schöndube).
Outside options: Another reason to choose the first‐price auction, European Economic Review, 53(2), 2009 (mit Oliver Kirchkamp und Eva Poen).
Entry decisions and bidding behavior in sequential first price procurement auctions: An experimental study, Games and Economic Behavior 58(1), 2007 (mit Jeannette Brosig).
The size and performance of public sector activities in Europe: an overview, Acta Oeconomica 56 (4), 2006 (mit Heinz Handler, Bertrand Koebel, Margit Schratzenstaller).
Entrepreneurs, moral hazard, and endogenous growth, Journal of Macroeconomics 27, 69-86, 2005 (mit Lutz Weinert).
Working Papers
- Heterogeneous bids in auctions with rational and boundedly rational bidders—Theory and Experiment (mit Oliver Kirchkamp).
- Reducing risk in experimental games and individual choice (mit Claudia Niemeyer und Karim Sadrieh).
- A pure variation of risk in private‐value auctions (mit Oliver Kirchkamp und Karim Sadrieh).
- Could we overcome the Winner’s Curse by (behavioral) auction design? (mit Dan Levin).
- Behavioural Variation in Tullock Contests (mit Aidas Masiliunas und Friederike Mengel).
- Funding entrepreneurs: An experimental approach (mit Irenaeus Wolff).
- Optimal auctions with outside competition.
- On the convergence speed in growth models.
- Auctioning small ticket items competitively: A natural field Experiment.